
You're 5 pounds lighter in print.
Goodman games just sent me the proof maps for "Iron Crypt of the Heretics," their Gen Con special. And --- thanks to some incredibly talented cartographers --- they look great.

Funny thing is this: you, me, and every other shy kid on the block have been drawing these same maps since we were in elementary school. It is amazing the difference the art makes.

Wheel keeps on turnin'
Tonight I'm teaching my roomate's son how to roll up a d20 character.

Do you remember that day? I do.


Jeff LaSala said...

I never had a D&D mentor. :(

At 10, I essentially looked at the cool pictures in those 1st Edition books, became intimidated by the numerous numbers and charts, then made up my own nonsensical rules.

Anonymous said...

So if ICotH is the GenCon special, does this mean that you have no choice but to go to Indy this year?

Jeff LaSala said...

Oh, he's going....

But Harley, are you slated to be a part of the Goodman Games tournaments or are you just the celebrity guest? :)

Harley said...

I'm not running any events ...

Just showing up to hang out. :)