
Every night ...
...feels like a surrender.

I’m entirely sleep-dependent. When I get a good 7 hours I feel like a rockstar, and when I don’t I’m crabby and slamming coffee all day. (Well, actually I drink a lot of coffee regardless. And crabby is relative. Ask any of my very patient relations.)

Still, it’s frustrating to have to sleep. How much did I get done today? What did I fail to get done? How much more could I have accomplished?

When midnight rolls around I feel like I’m just coming up to speed. Electing to sleep is like losing a fight. Maybe that’s what Peter meant when he said, “Straight on 'till morning.”


Harley said...
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Harley said...

Erm...the blog administrator did no such thing. Time to change my password.


Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell said...

Look at it this way...your brain needs sleep to be creative, and, well, just to function properly. It's not a surrender, just a regroup and resupply. ;)

Jw said...

Chicago's summer heat has forced me to have 3 consecutive nights of only 5 hours of sleep. I manage to get to sleep only at my most tired, and when I wake it's simply too hot to lay there.

Around 2:00pm, this is a bad scene. I'm almost falling over with napitude.

But the mornings have been extremely productive, and I actually kinda like it.

Lara said...

There was this blurb on NPR this morning about a place in NYC where folks can leave work and go take a nap. It sounded heavenly...