
Sometimes ...

... it just needs to be noted that life is pretty good. Warm days, cool nights, and you and I get to spend them dreaming about worlds that never existed. And if we dream well enough, the audience pays for the show.

I delights me to bear witness to the success of our friends. Ed's novel is coming out this month. Jeff's is slated for release. Eric is working on secret project #X (so secret I can't keep track of them all). TacoJohn is working on multiple Goodman/Troll Lord projects. Eternal Warriors is chugging along. Spellburn is due out early 2008. Deiter's working on DragonMech Battles. The list just keeps on going.

And as for myself, I'm tinkering away in the back of the hovel, poking my head out now and again to check the skies. It's fair to say that none of the DCC crew is in danger of having free weekends any time soon.

Not too shabby for a bunch of hairless apes that spent the bulk of our history dodging predators. That's pretty darn cool.


(And you're right, t-rexs weren't around at the same time as humans ... at least not in this reality. But for a 5-spot any one here could dream one up.)


Kameron said...

I'm assuming you meant "Eternal Warlords". :)

Glad to hear you're keeping busy. I've been looking forward to Ed's book, myself, since I finished catching up on Terry Brooks. Any idea what's going on with Ed's website?

Anonymous said...

Ed's website should be back soon. I've been having some technical issues. Luckily, we seem close to overcoming them.

Thanks for the shout-out, Harley :)
